


  • Abdullah Demirtas, Assoc. Prof., Erciyes University, School of Medicine
  • Ethem Akyol, Assoc. Prof., Nigde University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
  • Fatma Yaylaci Karahalil, Asst. Prof., Karadeniz Technical University, Macka VHS
  • Hüseyin Sahin, Asst. Prof., Giresun University, Espiye VHS
  • Mehmet Fuat Gulhan, PhD., Nigde University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
  • Meryem Kara, Asst. Prof., Selcuk University, High-Tech Research & Development Center
  • Murat Baykara, MD., Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, School of Medicine
  • Nuray Sahinler, Professor, Usak University, Faculty of Agriculture & Natural Sciences
  • Oktay Yildiz, Asst. Prof., Karadeniz Technical University, Macka HVS
  • Osman Sagdic, Professor, Yıldız Technical University, Food Engineering
  • Osman Selcuk Aldemir, Assoc. Prof., Adnan Menderes University, College of Veterinary
  • Ozlem Saral, Asst. Prof., Artvin Coruh University, ACU VHHS
  • Rezzan Aliyazicioglu, Assoc. Prof., Karadeniz Technical University, College of Pharmacy
  • Saliha Dinc, PhD., Selcuk University, High-Tech Research & Development Center
  • Sevgi Kolayli, Professor , Karadeniz Technical University, School of Science
  • Sibel Silici, Professor , Erciyes University, College of Agriculture
  • Zeliha Selamoglu Talas, Assoc. Prof., Nigde University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
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JAN, December 2018 – Journal of Apitherapy and Nature, Year: 2018, Volume: 1, Issue: 3 (Special Issue on Propolis), Release Date: 08 December 2018

JAN, December 2018 – Journal of Apitherapy and Nature, Year: 2018, Volume: 1, Issue: 3 (Special Issue on Propolis), Release Date: 08 December 2018

JAN, December 2018
Journal of Apitherapy and Nature (Special Issue on Propolis)
Issue: 3
Release Date: 08 December 2018

The third and special issue on the propolis for the Journal of Apitherapy and Nature (JAN) released via the DergiPark platform on 08 December 2018. In addition, the scientific articles published in the journal are also available in pdf format.
