ITCMC 2018
International Traditional and Complementary Medicine Congress: ITCMC
April 19-22, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey




Health Minister Mr. Ahmet Demircan’s message about the “International Traditional and Complementary Medicine Congress”, its short name is “ITCMC” and “GETAT Kongresi” in Turkish.


Ahmet Demircan, MD, Health Minister, emphasized that the name “alternative medicine” may lead to misunderstandings in modern medicine, and pointed out that the “traditional medicine” practices may be in the context of “complementary” to modern medicine.

Minister Ahmet Demircan, MD, explained that the aim and vision of the first “International Traditional and Complementary Medicine Congress” (ITCMC) which will be held in Istanbul between 19-22 April 2018 under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. In addition he remarked that the “traditional and complementary medicine” practices were accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO).


ITCMC 2018
International Traditional and Complementary Medicine Congress: ITCMC
April 19-22, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey

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