IAC 2020
I International Apitherapy Conference
6-8 September 2020, Katowice



1st International Apitherapy Conference from 6 to 8 of September 2020 Katowice


From 6th to 8th of September, the 1st International Apitherapy Conference will be organized as ZOOM Conference under the auspices of the Medical University of Silesia, International Federation of Apitherapy, Romanian Apitherapy Society and German Apitherapy Society. Our goal is to present the latest developments of using bee products in medicine, pharmacy and cosmetology. The conference will be a forum for the exchange of experience in the field of apitherapy for representatives of scientific centers from Poland and abroad.

We would like to exchange scientific experience and present our achievements at the conference. Let’s meet on Zoom us.


The official languages of our conference are English and Polish.

We will provide also simultaneous interpretation (English-Polish, Polish-English) for the Apitherapy Conference
(September from 6th to 8th)

Certificate of Attendance
The certificate of attendance will be sent by e-mail, after the conference, as a PDF document.

  We have already confirmed regular Participants, Authors, and Speakers from the following Countries :

United States







Rector of the Medical University of Silesia


Dean of the School of Pharmacy
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice



Important dates for Speakers

Deadline for submission of Abstract: 10 August 2020

Deadline for submission of Power Points : 15 August 2020

  • Presentation in Power Points should be submitted in due time to akurekgorecka@sum.edu.pl and jstojko@sum.edu.pl
  • The submitted Abstract  will be evaluated by minimum two Scientific Committee Members. Each Member will evaluate the presentation according to the criteria of the Scientific Committee.
  • The Abstract will be selected according to the highest points given by the Committee Members in each category.
  • All accepted presentations will be recorded and will be distributed to all Participants free of charge.
  • Presenting author has to register for the conference.
  • Each registered Participant can submit a maximum of 2 papers as presenting Author.
  • If none of the authors will be able to present the presentation during the conference, the presentation will be presented as a view of the Power Point presentation (augmented with light additional comments for each part of the presentation) or recorded audio-visual of the lecture as a play of the audio-visual  recording of the lecture (preferable).
  • Each presentation should contain comments.



Presentations must be written in English. The maximum length allowed for an Abstract is 350 words. The Abstract title, the author(s) or names of Institutions are not included in the count of 350 words. Abstracts have to be submitted as minimum 150 words.

There has to be minimum 3 and maximum  5 keywords in the submitted Abstract.

Submitted Abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and the evaluation result will be sent to the Author’s e-mail address.

We kindly ask you to submit your Abstract before the above-mentioned deadline.






