From the President

Ali Timucin Atayoglu, MD

Ali Timucin Atayoglu, MD

President of TAA


The Turkish Apitherapy Association (TAA) left 12 years behind it. In the meantime, the country has experienced exciting developments in the name of Apitherapy. Most importantly, it can be shown that the “Regulation on Traditional and Complementary Medical Practices” has been published in the Official Gazette on October 29th 2014 and numbered 29158. This regulation also includes the “Apitherapy” practices, which are defined as “complementary and supportive use of bee and bee products in the treatment of certain diseases”.

The Law on the Establishment of the Turkish Institute of Health (TÜSEB) and the Amendment of Certain Laws and Decrees on the Decree of the Law was published in the Official Gazette on 11/26/2014 and legalized with the title of “Institute of Traditional and Complementary Medical Applications of Turkey” was set up.

The stakeholders of the apitherapy were brought together in 2015 with the “1st International Marmaris Apitherapy and Apicultural Products Symposium”. The participation of Fang Zhu who is Professor of Modern Apitherapy and renowned worldwide,  added a special color to the symposium.

Turkey is in an important position in the world order with more than 4 million colony assets and about 75.000 tons/year honey production. Approximately 90% of the world’s pine honey production is produced in the Aegean region. This richness must be supported by the studies on apitherapy.

And the next is Apimondia which is planned to host by our country, Turkey, in the coming year.

Now it’s time to work like a bee!

Ali Timucin Atayoglu, MD
Founder and Chairman